Wednesday, January 4, 2012

'get off the couch'

my sister annoyingly pointed out to me recently, annoying because it's true, that i have a wonderfully inspirational board on pinterest titled 'get off the couch' yet i never get off my couch.  i can spend hours in my 'nest' with the t.v. on, the computer open on my lap surfing the internet 'pinning' fitness tips, but i can't find 30 minutes to walk downstairs and get on the treadmill.  yes, it's embarrassingly that easy for me to work out.  i just have to walk downstairs. 

my husband and i are heading into our forties and it's important to me that we don't spend the last half of our lives with health problems associated with living a sedentary life.  i have finally surrendered to the fact that there is no quick fix, no pill to take and that talking about being healthy isn't necessarily going to make me healthy.  i have to work at it.  let the end of the love affair with my couch begin.... 

"the reason that i can be 38, have two kids and wear a bikini is because i work my (expletive) ass off.  it's not fairy dust, it's not good genes.  it's killing myself for an hour and a half five days a week. what i get out of it is relative to what i put into it." - Gwyneth Paltrow

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